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Scientists to issue stark warning over dramatic new sea level figures

"Rising sea levels pose a far bigger eco threat than previously thought. This week's climate change conference in Copenhagen will sound an alarm over new floodings - enough to swamp Bangladesh, Florida, the Norfolk Broads and the...

Category: Climate Change


Halve emissions from cars by 2050, auto industry told

"Consortium claims '50 by 50' initiative could save equivalent of half EU's current C0² emissions"


Countries that block global climate change deal risk isolation

"Climate minister says Obama's commitment to environment has raised prospects of global agreement at UN summit in December"

Category: Climate Change


Greenwash: Coal industry tries to hide dirty facts behind 'clean' claims

"Misleading and duplicitous ads on 'clean coal' cannot camouflage the stench of fossil fuels"


China to plough extra 20% into agricultural production amid fears that climate change will spark food crisis

"Wen Jiabao announces extra money to boost farm yields, raise rural incomes and invest in renewable energy"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 541 to 545 out of 1185